Monday 11 November 2013

This lecture recital is about the rivalry between the viola da hamba and the violoncello in the eighteenth century. The story begins at the end of the century when the gamba was already in decline, though not completely obsolete as may have been traditionally viewed. The audience is then taken through the century to its beginning when the 'cello was primarily a bass instrument with hardly any solo repertory. The lecture looks at the hierarchical position of the instruments and examines the reasons why the table was turned in favour of the 'cello around the 1750s. The recital aspect complements the lecture. The music will include pieces that were specifically designed for the gamba, pieces that could be played on either, and pieces that clearly favours the cello. The lecture will also look at how composers viewed the instruments in previous centuries, and how they wrote for and orchestrated them in solo and chamber works. Lecture recital length 55 mins, concert version of similar length or extended also available; projector and screen needed for lecture, plus harpsichord. Three performers including speaker.

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