Tuesday 5 November 2013

BIBLIOGRAPHY (in preparation)

Holman, P. 'Life After Death'

Wissick, B. 'The cello music of Antonio Bononcini..', Journal of Seventeenth Century Music, http://www.sscm-jscm.org/v12/no1/wissick.html

Jackson, B. G., Commentary on Le Blanc's Defense de la Viole, Journal of VdGSA, Vol. 12, December 1975.

Vanscheeuwijck, M. 'In search of the eighteenth century "Violoncello": Antonio Vandini and the concertos for viola by Tartini', 2008, Claremont Graduate University.

Medlam, C. ' Approaches to the Bach Cello Suites'. 2013

Aziz, I. 'Johannes Schenck'. The Viol 26

Simpson, C. 'The Division Viol'. London, 1665.

Le Blanc, H. 'Defense de la Basse de Viole', Amsterdam, 1740. Translated in VdGSA vol _ by





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